Department 56 Christmas Vacation Cousin Eddie's RV

Department 56


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Size:Standard One Christmas evening, a group of friends set off to enjoy a dinner of celebration at a small country inn nestled in a quiet river town. As they rounded a bend in the road, they saw the small, old-fashioned village decorated for the holidays. The lights, like fairies, glowed and sparkled amid the freshly fallen snow. All evening, the conversation was full of Christmas memories and the visions the tiny town had evoked. Amidst the jovial banter and magical memories, the idea for a lighted Christmas village was born. That spark of an idea became a reality when, in 1976, Department 56 introduced a series of six hand-painted, ceramic buildings. The rest is history.

  • Ceramic
  • Imported
  • Cousin Eddy should really run his travel trailer through the local car wash before he pulls up in front of cousin Clark's house!
  • Coordinates With: Cousin Eddie In The Morning
  • Electrical: battery operated, 2 AAA required, compatible with AC/DC Adapters
  • Replacement bulb: none
  • NATIONAL LAMPOON`S CHRISTMAS VACATION and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and Warner Bros.